This is an outdated version published on 2023-06-22. Read the most recent version.



  • Eduardo Antonio Maia Lins IFPE/UNICAP
  • Sarah Maia Pianowski
  • Magda Marinho Braga
  • Rui Pedro Cordeiro Abreu de Oliveira de Oliveira
  • Adriana da Silva Baltar Maia Lins



Planejamento; Riscos; Custos; Cadáveres; Impactos.


In Brazil, cemeteries lack planning and environmental monitoring, where, for the most part, there is no control over the construction, much less the inspection of the existing ones. While still alive, the human being is in a state of balance as his environment, however, after his death, his body tends to start the process of putrefaction, characterized by the destruction of body tissues by enzymes and bacteria, generating biogas and the necrochorume. Each decomposed body releases around 30 to 40 liters of necrochorume for every 70 kg, on average, composed mostly of water, rich in mineral salts and degradable organic substances, in addition to toxic substances such as cadaverine and putrescine. The use of the SWOT matrix proved to be functional for environmental studies as it generates the ordering of aspects of an antagonistic nature (strengths and weaknesses). The present work aimed to use the SWOT matrix to perform a risk analysis of a cemetery and suggest the proposition of action plans for the studied location. The study began with a literature review based on relevant legislation on the subject, serving as support for the development of the study. The subsidies used to analyze the situation of the area were collected through technical visits to the field with photographic records, informal interviews with the administrators and employees of the analyzed cemetery. In view of the diagnosis, it was possible to assemble a matrix where questions regarding the strengths and weaknesses related to internal and external factors of the analyzed cemetery were observed, generating a 6 x 6 matrix, with 36 crossings. Quadrant III identified the level of maximum weakness of the offensive capability (QIII = 18) indicating how much the weaknesses cause problems in taking advantage of opportunities. Quadrant IV presented the vulnerability level of the studied environment (QIV = 17), indicating the set of weaknesses that increased the effect of threats. The cross SWOT Matrix confirmed that the damage caused by the cemetery is not only associated with environmental impacts, but also socio-economic impacts. The need for investments by the government should be one of the main goals to reduce the impacts presented.


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2023-02-20 — Updated on 2023-06-22
