


Urban Cleaning Services, Solid Waste, SWOT, 5W2H, Lençóis Paulista


In order to achieve an excellent solid waste management, it is essential to invest resources for the social well-being and public health of the population. In this sense, with the diagnosis of the solid waste collection system, it is possible to identify operational failures and direct efforts towards promising results. The main objective was to analyze the Urban Cleaning Services (SLU) of Lençóis Paulista, through the collection of urban solid waste. This municipality was selected by an operating SLU, a municipal plan for basic sanitation and solid waste management, and considerable local infrastructure. The methodology consisted of identifying on a digital platform all information and data relevant to the management of urban solid waste in that municipality, analyzing in detail the deficit and well-developed actions in the sector by the SWOT matrix, and pointing out improvements in the difficulties observed with the 5W2H method. The main results were the existence of regular collection of urban solid waste with qualified professionals, solid waste storage infrastructure. One of the points that deserves attention is the participation of the population in selective collection and the structuring of this concept as mobilized to change behavior and the search for partnerships to develop integrated actions for a city that is sustainable and resilient to new environmental demands.



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2021-12-20 — Updated on 2021-12-22
